Read our November 2015 newsletter here

Hello community members of One Degree and welcome to our second newsletter!

Yes, that dreaded word ‘newsletter’, which so often has us hitting ‘Delete’ before we even open and read. My sincere goal is to fill each edition with worthwhile reading rather than ‘fill the space text’. But in order to do this, I need your feedback and your own pieces (when possible). After all, I am sure mentors and supporters want to hear from you rather than me each month!

With our introductory newsletter out of the way (October 2015 issue can be found here), this edition will include a much anticipated programme update, a mentor piece, upcoming events & campaigns and a very exciting ‘final thought’ I am sure you will love! And yes, it is a long newsletter this month for the second issue in a row, but you will see why!…New programme details!

I hope this newsletter will provide everything you are hoping it will, but be warned… There will be a few calls to action as well (easily found as the purple blocks), so you are not getting off that easy!

Finally, these newsletters are made possible thanks to our ‘MyOneDegree‘ network, our One Degree Alumni Community and our newly formed ‘Super-Mentors‘ and ‘Super-Ambassadors’. Thank you everyone for your contributions.


Roger Wynne-Dyke
CEO, One Degree

Read our full November 2015 newsletter here