2 weeks to go!

75 GCSE students are eagerly awaiting the launch of our new combined programme starting at Westminster Academy on the 4th November…

£15k needed in 4 days!

From the 28 November to the 5 December we have to raise £15k in online donations in order to have our donations matched by The Big Give. This is our main fundraising time of the year, without this online campaign our Spring programme will be less sessions with less activities.

£10 to £1000 has an impact:

  • £10 – the cost of breakfast and lunch for one student
  • £25 – the cost per hour of designing and delivering our curriculum
  • £50 – the cost per student for their annual graduation
  • £250 – the cost of tech and printing per student
  • £500 – the direct cost per student for a minimum length programme
  • £1000 – the all-inlcuded cost per student for a full programme

If you can help, you can donate here on at 12noon on the 28 November.

Can you join us for any of our first 6 sessions?

We have 5 academic sessions (11, 18, 25 Nov & 2, 9 Dec) and one launch day (4 Nov) during November and December 2017 until resuming in late January 2018.

Mentors, we only need you from 0930 to 1230 during our November and December sessions, however you are welcome to stay on and help us with the workshops and guest speakers we have planned in the afternoons.
Are you free to join us as an English mentor, Maths mentor, or help with general programme delivery?

English sessions

  1. 11 November 2017 (AM only)
  2. 18 November 2017 (AM only)
  3. 2 December 2017 (AM only)

Maths sessions

  1. 11 November 2017 (AM only)
  2. 25 November 2017 (AM only)
  3. 9 December 2017 (AM only)

More details and sign-ups for any of these dates and more dates in 2018 are here

Find us a few more mentors

The more mentors we have, the more personalised we can make our programmes. Do you know a friend, family member or colleague that may like to becoming a mentor?

Suggest a guest speaker or workshop

Whether you are a Hollywood A-lister like Riz Ahmed (pictured left), a representative of LinkedIn or SnapChat, a London professional with an interesting job, or have a personal journey to tell – we would love to have you as a guest speaker. Spend 20 mins to 1 hour telling our students more about your career or story or even run an interactive workshop. Contact us for more information.

Next supporters event

Thanks to our friends at Medestai we have arranged 25 FREE tickets for a private viewing of ‘Mexican Magical Realism‘ followed by a private space at Royal Oak Pub:

  • Date – 2 November 2017
  • Time – 6-8pm
  • Venue – 67 York Street Gallery (directions here)
  • What’s it about – casual meet-up at the gallery from 6-8pm followed by a drink and a snack at the adjacent Royal Oak Pub from 8-9pm
  • Sign up here (limited space)

Join the conversation

We have tried a few platforms over the years including GooglePlus, Slack, Band, but we have decided to simplify to LinkedIn for all non-email conversations. Please help us be being part of the conversation here:

Supporters public group – Join here

For all supporter news:

  • Newsletters
  • Fundraising
  • Relevant articles

Mentors private group – Join here

For all mentor specific updates:
  • Mentor networking
  • Mentor blogs
  • Mentor socials & meet-ups
  • Session updates
  • Session feedback

Alumni private group – Join here

For all alumni specific updates:
  • Alumni networking
  • Alumni blogs
  • Alumni socials & meet-ups
  • Ambassador updates
  • Ambassador feedback

October / November calendar



For more mentor opportunities…

Interested in more details on academic mentoring, career mentoring, hosting a work shadow, recommending a sponsor and finding out about our NEW mentor badges…read more here…