Thank you from the team! ~ One Degree Intern Edition
4 updates for you, our supporters, mentors, donors, sponsors and all who are passionate about One Degree’s innovative youth education:
Since starting with One Degree a few months ago we have had the priviledge of running a couple of campaigns and meeting some of our wonderful supporters. This newsletter is just a quick update and thank you to all that got involved in The Big Give Challenge and #CheerforGood campaign. Thank you from Jasmine and Hope!
We did it…thanks to you!
We started our 2017 Autumn programme still deep into fundraising. We new if we could achieve a successful Big Give campaign in December we would have enough funding to run our planned 2018 Winter/Spring pgoramme from January to June.
What we managed, thanks to our trustees and you, our supporters, was nothing short of tremendous!
We had one week to raise £15k in online donations, more than we had challenged ourselves to raise at any one campaign before. It was going to be tough and having already run a Summer fundraising campign for our career workshops, were we asking too much? The campaign got off to a flyer but then we found ourselves still needing more than half of our target with only 4 days to go! If we managed to raise £15k then our efforts would be doubled to make £30k thought the Big Give….So, do we do it? YES, we did!
Thank you so so much from all of us at One Degree for finishing our 2017 on such a high and helping us raise £35,837! We are now ready to take on the next 15 sessions of our combined programme at Westminster Academy.
Starbucks #CheerForOneDegree
Along with our Big Give Challenge this December we joined up with Starbucks Coffee for our #CheerForGood Campaign!
We raised £500 with help from Starbucks London and our amazing intern, Jasmine, who had her fundraising day on the 29th November. Big thanks to Starbucks for our extra bit of holiday cheer!
‘Wear’ is the One Degree love
For those of you that did not manage to grab yourself a limited edition One Degree top during the Big Give Challenge, you still have time to order one. ‘Wear’ the love with pride by grabbing yourself a One Degree top.
Please contact Hope Johnson for further information: [email protected]
End of Autumn Programme Celebrations
It’s a wrap! 80 presents from us to the students and 72 presents from the students to eachother to be precise! You thought YOU had a lot of shopping to do!!
We had our amazing Christmas celebration with our secret Santa and One Degree style secret Santa presents! A tremendous way to wrap up the Autumn programme!
Spotlight On Alumni – E-DJAY
Our amazing Alumni, E DJAY, performed at Ma Dame in Royal Oak in his debut on the 10th December. We went to support him and had a lot of fun in the meantime! It’s clear he has a bright future ahead of him! Check out his Soundcloud here: