One Degree in 2020, and what you can do… |
It has been a long winter break for One Degree and we are officially back in action this Saturday, 18th January. Here are a few ways you can get involved:Sign up to be a mentor in 2019/20 hereBecome a patronHelp us find a new corporate sponsor And please stay subscribed to this newsletter even if you cannot mentor – sharing our message really does help! |
Free for a few hours of volunteering? |
We have 20 sessions planned between 18th January and the 6th June 2020, and we are still in need of mentors. Here is how to get involved:Check our programme dates here.You can sign up for be a mentor for our current programme / check if your details are still registered here. Choose your mentoring dates here.If you would like some online training or more information on how our sessions run and what is involved then check out our videos here. |
Sign-up to be a One Degree Mentor in 2019/20 HERE |
Unable to mentor but still want to help? |
There are two things that make our charity run as effectively as it does:An enthusiastic and generous network of volunteersThe ability to do so much with so little fundingWould you like to become a part of this by not only sharing your network and expertise but sponsoring one student per year? Becoming a patron means you can be as active as you want depending on your availability. But no matter how much you do, you will be helping our small charity become sustainable and help us to focus on what we do best – raising the academic performance and aspirations of our inspiring young people. Can you help by becoming a patron? Would you like to sponsor one student per year? |
Find out more about becoming a patron HERE |
We are looking for a new corporate sponsor… |
Do you know of or work within a company that might like to become a One Degree corporate sponsor? The unique thing about collaborating with One Degree is that employees can volunteer as guest speakers, do corporate days, become mentors, become donors themselves, run fundraising events, help with career days, host alumni for work experience…it is high impact and highly rewarding! If you can make any introductions, please get in touch! |
Thank you for making our Big Give the biggest yet! |
Our annual Big Give Challenge this year was a huge success!30 donors participatedOver £38k raisedOur 4th year involved with the Big Give and the first time we exceeded our target by as much as we did. The ongoing collaboration with The Childhood Trust and The Big Give has given us a period in which to focus our fundraising and thus proved very popular and successful with our donors. This year we have not only reached our goal, but exceeded it, and it is all thanks to you! Thank you to all who participated! |