A message and update from One Degree…

Hello all,

Thank you to all of you for your ongoing support and interest in One Degree.

As you can imagine, the last 6 months have been a trying time on not just One Degree but the charity sector on the whole.
We have emerged even more resilient and with our ability to handle online mentoring, we are in a good place.

However, as you will have noticed, our 2020/21 details have not yet been released!

A lot of you will be wondering what is happening with our 2020/21 programme. As you may have guessed everything has been delayed due to increased pressures and restriction our schools face.

The big news for now is that a physical programme will not commence until 2021. We are not yet sure how many sessions this will be but it is likely it will be a more intensive programme rather than the spaced out programme of the last few years.

However, we are still aiming to support students over the autumn and winter via our online mentoring platform and network.

What you can do to help:

– Help us with our upcoming Big Give Xmas Challenge.
We need resources! Get virtual volunteering! Read our guide here!
– Feel free to reach out if you think you can help with growing our online resources and online platform.

Thank you all for your patience as we try and support our students through this crazy time!

All the best for now,
