Mentors / Students / Schools / Sponsors

If you are interested in supporting One Degree, volunteering with the team or sharing your ideas or expertise, please fill in the form below or drop us an email at [email protected]. We are actively seeking new schools, mentors, students, teachers and other volunteers to help us with our programmes, and would love to hear from you.

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Leave us a voicemail and we will get back to you:
0300 102 NEET / 0300 102 6338

Drop us an email at:
[email protected]

Direct Donations

Bank: HSBC
Account: The Adnan Jaffery Educational Trust
Acc. No.: 22332272
Sort: 40-02-44

Charity Details

Charity Registration No. 01141733
Company Registration No. 07542283

Registered Address (not programme location address)
52 Ashlin Road,
E15 2AP

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