What it takes

You need not be a struggling school, you need not be in a struggling area, but you need to aspire to better grades. Besides that, we require the following from schools that wish to partner with One Degree:

  • Collaboration with teachers and the head is essential
  • Commitment to each other’s goals and principles
  • Reinforced discipline throughout the programme

Important Note! – We are NOT looking for high grade students, just high aspirations.

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What’s in it for you

Schools that participate in the One Degree programme experience improved class and exam results and increased student participation at school. Our students emerge with more confidence and self-belief and are better able to interact socially with their peers.

In the long run, One Degree has the potential to help improve the overall image of your school. We also give the schools that partner with us access to our linked programmes.

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How One Degree Works

One Degree offers online and in-person options for GCSE students and One Degree alumni looking for ongoing support.

Online sessions – hosted on our custom-built online mentoring platform and offer 1-on-1 mentoring 7 days a week and group sessions on Saturdays. This is our most cost-effective and popular programme

We achieve success via our online sessions in the following ways:

  • 7-day-a-week booking options for students to schedule mentor meetings for Maths and English as well as support with other GCSE subjects.
  • 1-on-1 mentoring booked on-demand plus small group mentoring on Saturday mornings
  • One fully qualified external teacher per subject (mentor support and current curriculum knowledge, plus fresh insight and a new angle on their studies for students).
  • On-demand lesson replays, online courses and resource downloads for Maths and English.
  • Live stream lessons on Saturday mornings.

In-person workshops – It is hosted either at the participating school or at a One Degree base, depending on the locations of the participating schools.

We achieve success via our in-person sessions in the following ways:

  • Up to 5 hours of study time per session, emphasising Maths and English (including exam technique, planning and confidence).
  • One mentor per four students (enough one-on-one support while encouraging group work, discussion and participation).
  • One fully qualified external teacher per subject (mentor support and current curriculum knowledge, plus fresh insight and a new angle on their studies for students).
  • A series of mock exams (practice, focus and confidence).
  • Inspirational guest speakers (aspiration, team building and leadership activities)

Core hybrid programme (funding dependent) – Our aim since 2019 and our core work is to improve students’ GCSE grades via our highly successful hybrid programme.

Sign up to be a One Degree School Here